Good Vibrations Guide to Vibrators (book)
Good Vibrations Catalog & The Sexuality Library (catalog)
Parlor Talk (more resources)
Eve's Garden (catalog)
Femme Distribution (videos)
The Xandria Collection (catalog)
Did you know that the first vibrators were developed more than 100 years ago and used by physicans to treat "female hysteria"? You'll find the story here along with information on the types and models available, shopping for one and enjoying its many uses (some you probably never would have thought of). This is a light-hearted, but very useful discussion on a topic many women feel uncomfortable talking about. ~ IRGood Vibrations Guide to Vibrators
Joani Blank, 1982, 1989; 67 pp.
Down There Press
938 Howard St., Ste. 101
San Francisco, CA 94103
$5.50 per paperback, $9.25 (postpaid)
800-289-8423 ext. 105 MC/Visa
ISBN #0-940208-12-1
Of course, if you have become orgasmic since using a vibrator, you will maintain that status. Rejoice, you are no longer non-orgasmic, and you got there by yourself. Celebrate your new independence, and don't let a sexual partner or anyone else convince you that your reliance on your vibrator is the least bit unhealthy. A few women have rarely or never experienced any pleasure they could label sexual until they discovered the vibrator. You may think that such a woman is more likely than others to get "stuck' on her vibrator. Not so. Generally, vibrator use gives this woman confidence and the knowledge that her body is responsive, and she can go on to discover new ways of turning herself on.
Motor Driven Vibrators
First reactions to the large wand type vibrator range from "My God, it's so big!" to "So this is what everyone is raving about." The wand type vibrator, of which the Hitachi Magic Wand is currently the most popular, has a long cylindrical body or handle and a ball-shaped vibrating head attached to the body by a flexible "neck."
Good Vibrations and the Sexuality Library are sister companies and part of Open Enterprises, a mostly women cooperative. The third part is Down There Press which publishes an excellent assortment of practical sexual health books for children and adults. (We reviewed several in this chapter.) Good Vibrations provides convenient access to a wide selection of sex toys and aids for the curious as well as for those who prefer to shop from home. The companion catalog, The Sexuality Library, includes more than 300 books and videos from around the world. Along with an exceptional assortment of erotica for all tastes, selections include books on sexual health, healing, couples, teaching children and safe sex. The end result is to offer tools for exploring sexuality in a way that is healthy, open and exciting. ~ IR
Good Virbrations Catalog & The Sexuality Library
Good Vibrations Mail Order or The Sexual Library
938 Howard St., Ste. 101, San Francisco, CA 94103-4163
Free catalogs
800-289-8423 MC/Visa
Parlor Talks appear throughout the catalog within this graphic, represented by one of our favorite labor leaders, the indomitable and never-at-a-loss-for-words Mary Harris "Mother" Jones. In her day Mother Jones was termed "the most dangerous woman in America;" we thought it only fitting that she be the icon for our Parlor Talks which offer pithy pieces of information, quotes, eye-opening statistics and whatever appropriately subversive goodies we could get our hands on. We think Mother Jones would be proud. If you want to learn more about Mother Jones, check out Mother Jones Speaks: Speeches and Writings of a Working-Class Fighter available from Pathfinder Press for $28.95, 212-741-0690.
Parlor Talk
Anal and oral pleasuring are two areas that deserve special attention. For two good how-to resources you might try Anal Pleasure & Health by Jack Morin available from Down There Press (800-289-8423) for $12.50 or The Clitoral Kiss by Kenneth Stubbs & Chyrelle Chasen available from Secret Garden (P.O. Box 64759, Tucson, AZ 85728) for $16.95.
Started by Dell Williams in 1974 as a two-page mailer carrying two items—a vibrator and Betty Dodson's first book, Liberating Masturbation—Eve’s Garden has grown into a complete feminist erotica mail-order company. With an emphasis on helping women to explore all aspects of their sexuality, particularly self-pleasuring, you can choose from a large selection of educational books and videos, alongside vibrators, dildos and other toys. ~ IREve's Garden
Dell Williams
Eve’s Garden International, Ltd.
119 West 57th St., Ste. 420
New York, NY 10019-2383
$3.00 per catalog
Because of her own experiences in pornographic films, Candida Royalle started Femme Distribution in the early 1980s to create a different kind of erotica. In a male-dominated film industry where films of marginal quality (and less taste) objectify women, Femme's films pay attention to women's sexuality, involve intimacy and convey respect for the characters. The Femme line offers a series of high-quality, erotica videos aimed at women and couples. Educational, massage and couple's intimacy and sexual enhancement videos are also available through Femme. Unlike traditional porn which is likely to alienate most women, these films show lovemaking from a woman's point of view. ~ IRFemme Distribution, Inc.
588 Broadway, Ste. 1110
New York, NY 10012
Free brochure
800-456-5683 MC/VisaIf your interested in learning more about Candida Royalle and Femme Distribution, check out her interview with Grey Areas Magazine, "Heart to Heart with Candida Royalle".
The Xandria Collection has offered high-quality sexual aids for the last 20 years.Everything you would find in an adult toy store can be bought through this catalog, from books to lubricants to a wide assortment of toys; discretion is assured and the company offers a full return and refund policy. ~ IR
The Xandria Collection
Lawrence Research Group
P.O. Box 31039, San Francisco, CA 94131-9988
$4.00 per catalog
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